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PowerShell Tips

Hiding confirmations in PowerShell

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Tobias & Aleksandar's tip #12:

The two PowerShell experts have teamed up to share their best and most helpful PowerShell tips.

We will be publishing their scripts over the course of Scriptember in 13 blog posts. Don't miss their insights! Be sure to follow all Scriptember events, listed in our calendar here


Overview of all 13 articles published during Scriptember



Hiding confirmations

Occasionally, in scripts you see parameters like -Confirm:$false. This is explicitly setting a switch parameter to $false, typically in an effort to hide confirmation dialogs and enable a script to run unattended.

Any confirmation dialog that would be suppressible by this parameter can also be turned off on a script-global scope, simply by adding this to the start of the script:

  • $ConfirmPreference = 'None'

Likewise, if cmdlets show progress bars that you don’t want to see (i.e. to speed up execution time), simply turn them off:

  • $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'

The "preference" set of variables generally enables you to tailor the PowerShell environment to your need:

  • PS C:\> Get-Variable -Name *preference




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