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Using enumerations in PowerShell (2/2)

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Tobias & Aleksandar's tip #2:

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Using enums (part 2)

Simple enums define a list of allowed values, and the user can pick exactly one. When enums are defined as a flag array, then the user can pick more than one value:

enum Features

[Features]$myFeatures = 'Firewall', 'Leash'

By adding the [Flags()] attribute to the enum, each enum entry now gets its own unique bit value, thus the user can combine as many enum items as needed. The type [Enum] can shed some light into this. Here it lists the defined enum names:

  • PS C:\> [Enum]::GetNames([Features])

Next, it shows the assigned true numeric values:

  • PS C:\> [Enum]::GetNames([Features]) | ForEach-Object {
       '{0} = {1}' -f $_, ([Features]::$_ -as [int])

When you assign multiple values, bit values are added:

  • PS C:\> [Features]$myFeatures = 'Firewall', 'Leash'
    PS C:\> $myFeatures
    Firewall, Leash 
    PS C:\> $myFeatures.value__

There is just one problem: the assigned numbers are consecutive and thus ambiguous – PhysicalAccess has ID 3, but RealTimeProtection+Firewall also adds to 3.

When you use [Flags()], you also need to manually assign unique values to the enum items:

enum Features
   BootLog =  1
   RealTimeProtection = 2
   Firewall = 4
   PhysicalAccess = 8
   Leash = 16

Now each item has a unique ID:

  • PS C:\> [Enum]::GetNames([Features]) | ForEach-Object {'{0} = {1}' -f $_,
    ([Features]::$_ -as [int])}

Now, with unique IDs, you can use enums like any other numbers to do binary arithmetic:

  • PS C:\> [Features]'Bootlog,Leash'
    BootLog, Leash
    PS C:\> [Features]'Bootlog,Leash' -as [int]

Use the "+=" operator to add an element, and "-=" to remove it:


  • PS C:\> [Features]$features = 'Bootlog'
    PS C:\> $features += 'Leash'
    PS C:\> $features += 'Firewall'
    PS C:\> $features
    BootLog, Firewall, Leash
    PS C:\> $features -= 'Leash'
    PS C:\> $features
    BootLog, Firewall

Likewise, when testing whether a given value is present in such a list, use binary operators like -band and -bor:

  • PS C:\> $features
    BootLog, Firewall
    PS C:\> ($features -band 'Firewall') -eq 'Firewall'
    PS C:\> ($features -band 'Leash') -eq 'Leash'





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