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ScriptRunner ActionPack for Windows System Management

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Many routine tasks from daily IT operations can be automated, delegated and greatly simplified using PowerShell scripts and ScriptRunner. To avoid that every administrator writes their own scripts for standard use cases, we provide our ActionPacks. This way you can concentrate on your individual use cases during script development and use our script collections for standard use cases.

ScriptRunner ActionPacks

ScriptRunner ActionPacks are topic- and product-oriented PowerShell script collections that cover typical use cases in IT operations. They are written according to Microsoft best practices, are continuously extended and improved, and are ready to run with ScriptRunner.

More information about our ActionPacks can be found on our website.

New – the ActionPack for Windows System Management

The new Windows System Management ActionPack contains a total of 140 scripts for managing system settings for Windows 10 clients and Windows servers. Most of the scripts can be used for both systems. Special scripts for Windows 10 clients as well as for Windows Server can be found in separate subfolders.

General for both systems:

  • BitLocker
  • Defender
  • EventLogs
  • Firewall
  • Local Account
  • Network
  • Processes
  • Remote Desktop
  • Reporting
  • Scheduled Tasks
  • Services
  • System
  • Query (Query Scripts)

Windows 10 Clients:

  • Windows 10 Apps
  • Computer Restore

Windows Server:

  • Windows Server Backup

How to integrate the ActionPack scripts into ScriptRunner

There are alternative ways to integrate the scripts into ScriptRunner:

  1. You download the script collection from the ScriptRunner GitHub repository as a ZIP file and copy the scripts you want to use into the working directory of ScriptRunner.
  2. You connect ScriptRunner to our GitHub repository and set up a synchronization. This can be done directly in the working directory of ScriptRunner or in a separate directory.

Two examples of use cases from the new ActionPack

Once the scripts from the ActionPacks have been synchronized, they can be used to create ScriptRunner Actions. The following two examples will show how quickly the scripts are ready for use.

Use-Case: Bitlocker Backup KeyProtector (Script: Backup-SysMBitLockerKeyProtector).

The Use-Case:

The script “Backup-SysMBitLockerKeyProtector” stores the recovery password protection for a volume protected by BitLocker Drive Encryption in Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS).

To be able to select the parameters dynamically via drop-down menu, appropriate query scripts can be used for the drive selection and the Key Protector Object. The computer selection can be done via an AD Query.

In the full case, the user selects the computer and drive, the Protector Object is determined using the query script, and the recovery password protection is stored in AD when the script is executed.

How it works:

Create a new action (+New) and select the Backup-SysMBitLockerKeyProtector script. Then select your target system and the corresponding credentials. You can use your own machine as the target, because the script can access other machines remotely.

Configuring the Action in the ScriptRunner Admin App

Configuring the Action in the ScriptRunner Admin App

Running the action

If the action is started via the Admin App, the variables drive, ProtectorID and target system can be selected.

Running the action

Running the action

Use-Case: Enabling/Disabling Firewall Rules by the Help desk


If you regularly receive support requests regarding problems with the local Windows firewall, you can allow the help desk direct access to the firewall settings via the ScriptRunner Delegate App. Using an integrated query script, the help desk can also be provided with a set of firewall rules to be changed via a drop-down menu.

How it works:

In this case, the query must first be created via querie script and after the action has been created, it must be released to the help desk via delegation.

Creating the Querie Script:

Select under “+New → Querie → With a Script” the querie script “QUY_Get-SysMFirewallRules.ps1” from the ActionPack and confirm the settings as shown on the screenshot below.

Configuring the action in the ScriptRunner Admin App

Configuring the action in the ScriptRunner Admin App

Creating the Action:

Now create a new action with the script “Set-SysMFirewallRuleStatus”. For the RuleName parameter, use the binoculars icon to activate the Querie script you just created. If the settings are selected as shown in the following screenshot, the rule can be selected from the drop-down menu when executing the action and whether it should be activated or deactivated.

Assigning parameter values to the action

Assigning parameter values to the action

Release to help desk:

To do this, create a new delegation using the +New field and select the action you just created. Then select the help desk account in the window “Delegate this Action to…”.

Delegating the Action to help desk

Delegating the Action to help desk

After the entries have been confirmed, the help desk can execute the action with the selected parameters via the Delegate App.

Action in the ScriptRunner Admin App

Action in the ScriptRunner Admin App

You still have questions about ScriptRunner and/or the ActionPacks? We are happy to help you.

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