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Creating an Azure VM with ScriptRunner

Managing virtual machines is a core use case for Microsoft Azure.

VMs can be created for different purposes, with different operating systems, in different Azure regions and sizes. Additionally, various infrastructure and security settings need to be considered and, depending on enterprise standards, set properly.

As a result, manually creating and maintaining VMs quickly becomes time-consuming and tedious. On top of that, each Azure VM incurs monthly costs, even when it is inactive and shut down.

Creating a new VM in Azure requires administrative rights in the respective Azure Subscription or Azure Resource Group. That’s why this task has been almost exclusively in the hands of IT administrators.

With PowerShell and the ScriptRunner software platform, you can effortlessly standardize the creation of new Azure VM. Plus, you can easily delegate the task to your help desk teams and departments via the ScriptRunner Portal.

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Video: Creating a new Azure VM with ScriptRunner



Your Requirements

  • Standardize Azure VM creation process
  • Securely delegate VM creation without giving users admin privileges in the Azure subscription
  • Control costs associated with the use of Azure VMs
  • Enforce security and governance policies
  • Specify a naming scheme for VM
  • Restrict Azure resource group selection
  • Predefine available operating systems
  • Restrict Azure Region selection
  • Preset network settings
  • Restrict VM size selection

Our Solution

  • Using the Azure (Az) PowerShell module and the free PowerShell scripts in the ScriptRunner ActionPack for Azure, creating new Azure VMs is easily standardized.
  • Predefined parameters, invisible to users, ensure that VMs can only be created in certain Azure regions.
  • Via ScriptRunner Queries, users are given the option to select shared Azure VM sizes. However, the VM size can also be fixed. The same applies to the selectable operating systems.
  • Fixed Azure resource group mapping and network settings complete the VM creation process based on company policies.

Your Benefit

  • Consistent creation of new Azure VM across the enterprise
  • Creation can be easily delegated to help desk teams and business departments because ScriptRunner users don’t need PowerShell expertise, administrative privileges, or access to Azure Subscription
  • Access to ScriptRunner Actions can be defined on a per-user basis, customized for specific VM requirements
  • Customizations are simple, centralized and fast without disrupting day-to-day operations
  • Governance policies are always automatically met

Any questions?

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